Built on Trust: The Importance of a Professional Home Inspection

You might think that a professional home inspection isn’t needed when you’ve had the house built from scratch.

In reality, a home inspection can offer valuable insights into the construction quality and help prevent expensive repairs in the future. Even newly built houses can have flaws that are better addressed early on.

Whether you are in the process of purchasing your first home, looking for your next one, or preparing for a significant remodel, it is important to include a comprehensive home inspection. If you haven’t had a home inspection yet, this article will provide you with a detailed understanding of what an inspection entails, the benefits it offers, and how to locate a qualified inspector in your local area.

What is a home inspection?

A home inspection is an independent assessment of a property’s structure, systems, and essential features by a third-party inspector. After the evaluation, the inspector provides a detailed report on their findings. This report allows you to request the seller (in this case, the builder) to address any identified issues before finalizing the home purchase.

At its core, a home inspection is a comprehensive assessment of a property’s structural integrity and essential systems carried out by a skilled professional. Throughout this inspection, the focus is strictly on evaluating the functionality and condition of the home’s features, rather than being concerned with cosmetic or design aspects. The task is performed by a certified home inspector who has the necessary training and expertise to conduct such thorough evaluations.

Once the inspector has completed the thorough walkthrough and assessment of the property, they will create a comprehensive written report. This report will include details about any home systems that are approaching the end of their lifespan, those that are already significantly deficient, or any safety issues detected.

Home inspections provide the assurance that you are investing in a safe and hazard-free property. By addressing potential problems upfront, you can avoid the need for significant repairs before moving in or immediately after taking ownership.

Should I Get a Home Inspection?

When purchasing an existing house, getting a home inspection is standard practice to ensure you’re aware of its condition before committing to a price. However, when it comes to buying a brand-new house, the need for an inspection might not be as apparent. After all, everything is new, and the house might have been built to your specifications. So, should you still get a new construction home inspection?

The answer is a resounding yes! Even with a new construction home, experts recommend getting a home inspection. Despite everything being new, there could still be potential issues or oversights that only a professional inspector can detect.

A comprehensive home inspection gives you a more accurate and deeper understanding of the property. It also serves as a protective measure for those who have developed an emotional attachment to a home and intend to make it their future residence. In such cases, it’s easy to overlook potential flaws unless they are clearly identified during the inspection. Also, some people may attempt to cast a critical eye but lack the expertise to recognize subtle yet important aspects that need consideration. A home inspection tackles these concerns, offering valuable insights and ensuring an informed decision-making process.

In a standard inspection, the inspector will carefully examine the home’s exterior, structure, roof, plumbing, ventilation, electrical system, HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), insulation, and interior.

Whether you are in the process of buying a new home or planning a major remodel, the insights gained from a thorough home inspection are invaluable. It provides a comprehensive understanding of the property, including its strengths and weaknesses, before you make a substantial financial commitment. Furthermore, it guarantees that you’re acquiring a safe and hazard-free property. This way, you can avoid the need for extensive repairs before moving in or, even worse, immediately after taking ownership.

Quality First: How Inspections Set Hogan Homes Apart

Although the responsibility for property inspections typically falls on the homebuyer, it is important for Hogan Homes that every potential homebuyer has a clear understanding of the property’s condition that will help them make an informed decision about their investment.

Having a home inspected offers the following benefits for both the homebuilder and the potential homebuyer:

  • Quality Assurance – Having a property inspected by a licensed home inspector gives the potential homebuyer the assurance that the homebuilder’s work meets industry standards and codes. After the inspection, you’ll receive a detailed report outlining the condition of various systems and components in your home. This report helps you identify any potential issues or areas requiring attention.
  • Peace of Mind – A TREC inspection can provide peace of mind to buyers, knowing that they have made an informed decision about the property’s condition and its potential risks. Inspections can reveal hidden problems and potential safety hazards that might have gone unnoticed. Addressing these issues early can save you from more significant problems and costly repairs down the road.
  • Knowledgeable Guidance – TREC inspectors can offer valuable insights and recommendations on home maintenance and improvements, helping you maintain the property in optimal condition. TREC-licensed inspectors have undergone rigorous training and certification, ensuring that you receive a professional and thorough assessment of your property.

Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC)

The Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) is the state agency responsible for regulating real estate activities in Texas. TREC sets the standards for real estate transactions, including property inspections, to protect consumers and ensure fair practices in the real estate industry.

TREC requires that certain properties undergo a property inspection before a real estate transaction is finalized. The inspection provides a detailed assessment of the property’s major systems and components, such as the roof, foundation, plumbing, electrical, HVAC, and other important aspects.

TREC’s Real Estate Inspector Standards of Practice (SOPs) require inspectors to check the following areas of a property:

  • Exterior – The roof, siding, windows, doors, foundation, and exterior systems.
  • Interior – The walls, floors, ceilings, plumbing, electrical, heating and cooling systems, and appliances.
  • Appliances – The major appliances, such as the refrigerator, stove, and washer and dryer.
  • Other – Any other areas of the property that the inspector deems necessary to inspect.

Where to Find a TREC-Licensed Inspector

If you’re considering hiring an inspector, you can narrow down your choices based on location through the TREC’s License Holder search. This search also allows you to check if an inspector has any disciplinary history and view their recently completed educational courses.

In Texas, licensed home inspectors must adhere to TREC’s Real Estate Inspector Standards of Practice (SOPs) when conducting inspections within the state. These standards are set by TREC rules and outline the minimum requirements for inspecting residential properties, including one to four-family dwellings. In Texas, it’s a requirement for inspector license holders to initially furnish Texas clients with a completed TREC Property Inspection Report Form (REI 7-6), regardless of any additional supplementary reports they might provide.

Hogan Homes: Where Inspections Mean Uncompromising Quality

Hogan Homes takes no chances when it comes to quality assurance. We make it a standard practice to order and cover the cost of third-party licensed TREC state inspections for each new home build.

This commitment to professional home inspections reflects Hogan’s unwavering confidence in our build quality. Moreover, Hogan aims to instil that same assurance in every new homeowner, ensuring they receive a home built to the highest standards of excellence.

Experience the Hogan Homes advantage – certified quality! Explore our thoroughly inspected homes and join the ranks of satisfied homeowners who trust us for their dream property.


“What Is a Home Inspection Contingency and Why Is It Important?” Investopedia, https://www.investopedia.com/articles/mortgages-real-estate/08/home-inspection.asp
“Texas Real Estate Home Inspector: What’s Included in an Inspection?” Van Education Center, https://www.vaned.com/blog/texas-home-inspector/
“Home Inspection Checklist What to Expect From Inspections,” American Society of Home Inspectors, https://www.homeinspector.org/Newsroom/Articles/Home-Inspection-Checklist/15592/Article
“License Holder Search,” Texas Real Estate Commission, https://www.trec.texas.gov/apps/license-holder-search/
“Real Estate Inspectors licensed in Texas are required to follow the Standards of Practice (SOPs), which are established by TREC rules 22 TAC 535.227 – 535.233.” Texas Real Estate Commission, https://www.trec.texas.gov/online-sops
“Property Inspection Report,” Texas Real Estate Commission, https://www.trec.texas.gov/forms/inspection-report-form
“Why Are Home Inspections Important?” American Home Inspectors Training, https://www.ahit.com/home-inspection-career-guide/why-are-home-inspections-important/