Top Home Selling Tips

So, you have found your new dream home for sale in Corpus Christi. How exciting!

But wait a second. It’s time to figure out how to sell your current home. You probably will need to use the funds obtained from the sale to make a down payment on your dream home.

Selling a house is one of the most important decisions you can make, and it’s natural to seek all the help you can get.

While you may have received plenty of advice from friends, family, and neighbors on selling your home, identifying what truly works can be challenging. Whether your goal is to attract lucrative offers, achieve a speedy sale, or ensure a seamless process, we have you covered.

The following factors contribute to a successful house sale.

Choose the Right Real Estate Agent

One of the first things you should do is hire the services of a competent real estate agent. Find a professional who has a deep understanding of the local market and has a successful track record in selling properties.

Your real estate agent, also known as a realtor, will conduct thorough research on comparable homes (referred to as “comps”) in your vicinity to establish an accurate and realistic price for your property. If your priority is to sell fast, you may want to consider setting a slightly lower price to generate interest and potentially initiate a competitive bidding process. In the event that you have not received any offers within a specific timeframe, your agent can explore the option of further reducing the selling price.

It is also helpful to consider the price points that potential buyers typically search for in your area. Understanding these market preferences can help you capture the attention of interested buyers.

Price it right

Setting a competitive price is a highly effective strategy for selling your home quickly. Pricing it too high can dissuade potential buyers and discourage potential bidders. If interested buyers think that your price is too steep, the process may take longer as they negotiate for a lower price.

Depersonalize and Declutter

Create an inviting atmosphere so that potential buyers can envision themselves in your space. However, this becomes challenging if your house appears untidy or cluttered. Give your home a thorough, top-to-bottom cleaning, declutter the rooms, and consider hiding personal items like family photos. It is quite common in the real estate industry to hire external cleaning services, especially before significant showings or open houses.

You may also want to rearrange your furniture strategically to enhance the overall appeal of your home. Temporarily store bulky items to prevent rooms from appearing crowded, as a crowded space can make your space smaller than it actually is.

Boost Your Curb Appeal

Create a positive initial impression for potential buyers. Remember that the first thing they see is your home’s exterior and how it blends with the neighborhood. Enhancing your home’s curb appeal involves paying attention to both the house itself and its surroundings.

While major renovations may not be possible within your timeline, focusing on minor repairs and exterior maintenance can still make a significant difference. Consider window cleaning, touch-up painting, and fixing any visible damages. If repainting the entire house isn’t possible, giving the front door a fresh coat of paint can improve its appearance. You may also want to consider replacing outdated or worn-out address numbers and door handles with newer and more attractive alternatives.

If applicable, make sure the pathway leading from the curb to your porch is tidy and free from hazards. This includes levelling any uneven surfaces and trimming overgrown bushes. This not only addresses safety issues but also enables potential buyers to easily observe and appreciate the overall appearance of the house as they approach.

Take Care of Quick Repairs

As you won’t have sufficient time for significant renovations, prioritize quick repairs to tackle any issues that might discourage potential buyers. Conduct a thorough survey of the house and attend to some simple fixes, such as:

  • Fixing loose tiles in the kitchen or bathroom.
  • Replacing or unclogging drawer tracks that are stuck.
  • Fixing all loose hinges on cabinets or doors.
  • Refinishing hardwood floors and removing carpet stains.
  • Ensuring all plumbing systems work and repairing leaky faucets.

The extent of your time and budget for preparing the home will determine the additional steps you can take. Consider the following suggestions:

  • Updating fixtures and fittings.
  • Purchasing new appliances.
  • Installing new cabinet hardware.
  • Applying a fresh coat of neutral paint to the interior.

Selling a home be very stressful, especially when facing a tight deadline. However, there are ways to expedite the process, whether you’re in need of a quick sale due to a new job, a major life event like a divorce, or financial constraints.

If you’re working with a limited budget to prepare your home for sale, focus on creating a positive first impression for potential buyers. The initial moments they spend viewing your home, both from the curb and upon entering through the front door, can heavily influence their decision-making process. To make the most of those crucial seconds, keep in mind these home selling tips, hire the help of an exceptional real estate agent, enhance your home’s appearance, and present a compelling financial offer.


“What Every Seller Should Know About Home Prices,” Keeping Current Matters,
“Best Tips for House Sellers in 2023,” Harcourts,
“Tips For Selling Your Home in 2023 — Advice from Experts,” HomeLight,
“Selling Your Home in 2023: 5 Rules to Help You Get Ahead of a Buyer’s Market,” Clever,